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Volunteer Policy 1999, GACCI aims to build confidence and connection within the Gloucester community by engaging local people of all ages in arts-based programs. Through art based activities GACCI aims to enhance the sense of being part of a community, encourage more people to come to Gloucester which in turn will promote business & social opportunities within Gloucester. We are supported through our membership, private and government donations & through the running of exhibitions, workshops & events.

Current Committee

Graeme Healy
Vice President
Jenny Lindsay
Carly-Ann (Charlie) Lethbridge
Gallery/Arts Admin
Carly-Ann (Charlie) Lethbridge

Welcome & Thank you

Welcome and thank you for volunteering, we couldn't do what we do without your support. Please take the time to go through and familiarise yourself with our policies and procedures. The committee welcomes new ideas and suggestions as we are always looking to grow as an organisation.

Volunteer Rights

GACCI acknowledges the following rights and will act to uphold these:

  • to work in a healthy and safe environment

  • to be adequately covered by insurance

  • to be given accurate and truthful information about GACCI

  • to be interviewed and treated in accordance with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination legislation

  • to have a job description and agreed working hours

  • to be provided with sufficient training to perform the designated task

  • to have confidential and personal information dealt with in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1988

  • to have access to a grievance procedure


Volunteer Obligations

GACCI requests its volunteers to:

  • respect other volunteers and their rights

  • follow GACCI rules and regulations, including all Workplace Health and Safety guidelines

  • undertake a commitment to provide visitor service in a friendly, helpful and courteous manner

  • undertake tasks with professional commitment

  • display courtesy to their supervisor and colleagues

  • undergo security checks as required


GACCI Obligations to the Volunteer

 volunteers with:

  • opportunities for participation in GACCI events

  • a copy of GACCI’s monthly newsletter

  • a copy of this policy

  • Workplace Health and Safety information including location of first aid kit

  • essential information such as emergency contacts

Grievance procedure

Step 1: The aggrieved volunteer is encouraged to explore the problem or situation directly with the person(s) involved; clearly outlining what he or she feels should be done to alleviate and remedy the situation.
Step 2: If this is not a viable action, discuss the matter directly with a committee member.
Step 3: The parties involved will be asked to comply with the best solution that has been identified by all involved. Information will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Harassment Statement

GACCI will not tolerate any form of harassment or bullying in the workplace or any venue from which GACCI programs are delivered.
Volunteers who are found to have acted in such a manner may be required to undertake counselling or may have their voluntary role terminated.

Workplace Health and Safety

As a volunteer you are expected to comply with WHS laws by:

  • taking reasonable care for your own health and safety

  • taking reasonable care of the health and safety of others

  • follow any reasonable instructions or procedures given by their volunteer association.

Emergency Procedures

In the event of an emergency

If the situation requires an ambulance, police or fire brigade call 000 without delay.


Gallery Address

25 Denison St

Gloucester NSW 2422


Nearest cross street is Church St

There is a first aid kit located in the desk cupboard at the gallery: it is marked with a first aid sign.


When practical:

  • Notify the emergency contacts listed below

Secretary: Jenny Lindsay 0412 498 855

Treasurer: Carly-ann (Charlie) Lethbridge 0407 234 381

  • fill in an incident report located in the gallery handbook or down load a copy

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